This is the Message Centre for dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

don't you just hate it when...

Post 1

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

...fabulous song lyrics come into your head when you are half awake at 3am..and you don't write them down...smiley - headhurts

don't you just hate it when...

Post 2


La la la la la smiley - whistle
My name is dug
I want a hug
I feel snug
I've eaten a bug
La la la la smiley - whistle

smiley - monster

don't you just hate it when...

Post 3

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>


bloody hell - psychic as well as mind chillingly witty smiley - tongueout

monkey rhymes with spunky buddy so watch your step..oksmiley - cross

smiley - winkeye

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