This is the Message Centre for Ali Dubya

Catching up.

Post 1

Becks Part 2

Hi Ali,

I forgot my original details! do you still post messages here? It looks as if everyone has lost interest.

Long time no hear. How are you? How is Tina?

Tell me your news!

Catching up.

Post 2

Ali Dubya

Hello Becky,

Very good at this end.

Yes, everyone has moved, but to a different part of H2. I'll email you details. In fact, why have you posted here?

Off to play cr***et shortly and I suspect by this evening I shall be just a pile of bones, muscles and lactic acid. smiley - smiley

I have almost given up on the Five Live MBs, such are their woeful performance. Are you still posting there under a nom de plume?

Catching up.

Post 3

Becks Part 2

Hello Ali,

I keep losing my login details on the message boards! I guess you have tired of them?

Hey, I saw Anthea Turner at lunchtime (I think)! She is really stunning IRL. Her hubby wasn't with her though.

What exciting things are you up to at the mo?

Famous celeb encounters?

Post 4

Ali Dubya

Anthea Turner stunning? Blimey, mate, that is pushing it... smiley - erm

I met Gaby Roslin on a 'job' once and she was very rude (not to me, mind) but Alice Beer is lovely in real life.

Jeffrey Archer is top bloke, though. smiley - biggrin

Who would you invite to your dinner party?

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