This is the Message Centre for Ali Dubya

Ahoy 5Live Landlubber

Post 1


welcome aboard ship, see Bushy about the hats

Ahoy 5Live Landlubber

Post 2

Ali Dubya

Aha! It's the man of many guises...

What did happen to Kim Deeley? Did she ever find a boyfriend who remained faithful to her and loyal to the Church? Did she and Ian meet up on a blind date?

We should be told...

Ahoy 5Live Landlubber

Post 3


Ha,Ha,Haaaa...gawd that was really funny!

Ahoy 5Live Landlubber

Post 4



smiley - crispssmiley - footprintssmiley - porkpiesmiley - footprintssmiley - 2centssmiley - footprintssmiley - pirate

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