This is the Message Centre for the almost but not really all not knowing Buddha

hi there budd !

Post 1


i see you snuck over to my line and pinched a few threads here little sprout smiley - boing

i wont charge yuh any rent this time but in'll cost yuh good smiley - tongueout

smiley - rose kris

hi there budd !

Post 2

the almost but not really all not knowing Buddha

good day or evening which ever time it is where you are,
ummm im sorry im a little clueless as to what you are talking about.
please fill me in. thanx

hi there budd !

Post 3


yes like i really believe you.

you have taken two of my conversations "morning" and "kris are you about", personal convos addressed to me and somehow,without contributing,you have them stacked up there in your conversation list.

why did you lift my convos?

smiley - huh kris

hi there budd !

Post 4

the almost but not really all not knowing Buddha

ohhhhh... im really sorry i didnt mean to offend you i just thought that they were interesting conversations so i suscribed to them. I was under the impression that we were allowed to do that, hence the suscribe button. but i will unsuscribe right now. see you around

hi there budd !

Post 5


hey buddh, smiley - hug didnt meant to scare you off. smiley - sorry

i had no idea it was possible to subscribe to conversation smiley - doh so it seemed weird. there is no problem, if you want to keep them please do. we are free to go where ever we like in here.

smiley - zensmiley - rose kris

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