This is the Message Centre for Daedalus
Daedalus mk. 0.2b
Daedalus Started conversation Nov 24, 2002
~~~~~Jul 29, 2002~~~~~
Psychiatric recovery protocols imbedded in programming.
Program beginning to show human tendencies. Requests to be called by a name.
Decryption tests on standby until emotional and mental testing completed.
~~~~~Sept. 25, 2002~~~~~
Daedalus develops personality.
Back-ups made for separate testing.
~~~~~Oct. 18, 2002~~~~~
Decryption tests 1-85 finished in 2h 54m 13s 8ms. Average time for decryption: 2m
Program seems to be learning techniques.
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Daedalus mk. 0.2b
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