This is the Message Centre for Researcher 209440

The lady in red

Post 1


Naw, Not a chris de burg fan. What you need is a dragon who likes guzzling beer. what`s the view outside your window`s like? Can`t be any worse than mine, It`s all lorries and uniforms and dust. I wish I was back in my cave.

Keep guzzling.
Welcome aboard.

The lady in red

Post 2

Researcher 209440

ummm Guzdragon....the view outside my window is trees and grass and leaves that have fallen off the trees and onto the grass....glad to hear you have the taste not be be a Chris de Burg fan!

smiley - fairy

The lady in red

Post 3


I`ll call yers scarlet then. Do you live in the woods! Haven`t seen a tree in 20 years. Good thing I`m not a dog. Should inputting data but sod it! If people don`t get their parcels delivered they can deal with my death breath. It`s great putting things off.... How do you put an essay up on the boards?

The lady in red

Post 4

Researcher 209440

havn't a clue about putting essays up - I think you may have to click on 'Contribute' on your left.

I've just lost my old space and have spent all afternoon trying to get it back. I can't seem to get rid of my new Researcher No either - i'm too old for this game....

Are you a postie then?

I don't live in the woods, but by the sea - but have a lot of trees in my garden.

smiley - fairy

The lady in red

Post 5


Somewhere near a postie. Was once but after a while it`s not as fun as I thought it would be. Now I just data input for a sister company of royal mail. It`s fine but I come in and do nothing. Must be nice to find some kind of pastoral solace just by looking out the window. All I see are greasy blokes in uniforms (must be the anti-depressants)
Mondays are soooo crap. I want to be home making music but Instead I waste my time working for some `big guy in a suit` in london. (I don`t live `down south` but everything`s run from there anyway) What`s your monday been like? Discuss is no longer than 500 woords.
(15 marks)


The lady in red

Post 6


Hey, CG

Surprise! smiley - tongueout

I'm over here to check out your space to see if I can help at all. I haven't changed my nickname (as you know) but the 5Live kids seem to do it all the time. PK and Brad seem to have new names every posting. You might ask one of them....

One thought I had. Was it the password part of the "naming ceremony" that was the problem do you think? It must be a simple thing. (Not you, the nickname alterating)

smiley - cheers


The lady in red

Post 7

Researcher 209440


I AM a simple thing - this whole mess proves it quite well!
It says that I have my own e-mail address wrong - heaven help me!

Did you just hear the news? I wasn't paying attention (as usual) but Chris has just told me that a pretty nasty sounding chap named Michael Hill has just been arrested! - apparently he's just come back from abroad too!

Now I am going to reply to Guzdragon and then I will chase one of the pirates for techi advice!

smiley - fairy

The lady in red

Post 8

Researcher 209440

I can't do anywhere near 500 words!

I have had a pretty frustrating day - mondays are crap - have been trying to retrieve photos from one disc and put on a new one - lost the lot I think - so then I try to get on to h2g2 and loose my ID!
The rest of the day has been trying to make some sense out of it - Futile!

Tomorrow will be a better day - won't it? Peter's having a bad day too. We have come here from the Mornington Crescent Message Board (Radio 4) - sometimes it's quite fun - you should have a look - though things are not really moving there at the moment.

What kind of music do you like - and what do you play? I used to play the flute many moons ago - inspired by Jethro Tull! I was rubbish though!

smiley - fairy

The lady in red

Post 9


Music that`s a toughie, I DONT like really atonal classical pieces and that`s about it. I listen to most stuff, play bass guitar,guitar and piano. I write music rather than play other peoples. I`ts what I live for. I live with 5 mates who are all musicians of some descript.(xcept 1 - he`s a web designer -oh how dull - he is - not the job) Sounds fine but musicians tend to be fickel, have huuge ego`s and will never own up to stealing food from you - I`ve had 8 years of sharing with the buggers. Extremes range from total primadonna "Yeah, EMI`s gonna ring up any second and then you`ll be sorry for not letting me do a 10min guitar solo on your track" to "Oh I can`t be bothered to wash this week - can I borrow some milk/bread/washing powder/cig/condoms etc."

Kill your pc. It really seems like it doesn`t like you today. I think they just toleratet us. Then get their way by being a total Like some teachers I can remember......

The lady in red

Post 10

Researcher 209440

Sounds like you are pretty serious about your music - and great that you write your own. I paint - tourist tat for a living - and would like to do more serious stuff when I eventually get the time and space! But with two daughters to get through university, I will have to put the personal stuff off until i'm old and grey!

My other half has just moved in and he also paints - not a recipe for creativity for me - as I need to be on my own to think and paint!

I better get cooking! - I think you right about the PC - give it a rest.

Have a good night

smiley - fairy

The lady in red

Post 11

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Guzdragon - why isn't there a dragon smiley! have a smiley - ale instead!

Just to let you know that I have abandoned my Researcher 209440 space in favour of one that I could get to grips with!

So I am now up and running in every direction.

smiley - fairy

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