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too much stuff

Post 1


people are afriad that kids these days dont do anything but sit and watch tv and play video games, and in my case at least thats nowhere near the truth. Take last night for example, i had homework in two classes that took about an hour total, i had to study for the geography bee that i have to go to the state competition for on friday, that took about forty five minutes, i had to work on my Oddysey of the mind project, which is a long term team based problem solving thingie, that i am competing at state in on saturday, that took about an hour and a half and i still didnt finish, i had to plant grass seeds around my house(my parents are insane and are making me replant a lot of it in the field) that took and hour or so, i had to help make supper for my family, that took half an hour, i had to carry in groceries, that also took half an hour, and i didnt get home until about four thirty to begin with.all of this is in addition to any social life i want to have, anything else i want to do, taking a shower etc. and im supposed to be in bed by ten o'clock.

Now tell me kids don't do enough.

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too much stuff

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