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rockrat Started conversation Nov 16, 2002
Its been a tough couple of months, but thank the big fella upstairs, it's almost over.This weeks run marks the end of the main xmas share outs of cards round the firms shops.I truly wish that the people who walk around moaning "oh i don't see why they're already selling xmas cards" could see the sheer amount of work that goes into the season of good cheer.We started way back in july with preparing the orders and putting them into storage ready for distribution.But its only in the past 6 weeks that things have gone completely mad,lorry loads of giftwrap,bows and all the other paraphenalia that go into making us believe someone cares ,hardly having time to touch the warehouse floor before they're back into my wagon and i'm off again on another trip.Still I suppose that when all's said and done I can sit back with the satisfaction of knowing that come christmas morning I was the person responsible for getting that paper into the shop which makes for that colourful pile of prezzies.
Wuytvandriver - Head of insanely fast driving Posted Nov 19, 2002
So now I know.....its your fault that Christmas starts so early in the shops. Please,
please next year don't deliver any until the start of December
rockrat Posted Nov 20, 2002
Don't knock us--we're one of the last chains to put them out
and unlike most of the others we don't sell gandparents day cards or most of the other dross dreamt up to emp,ty our pockets
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