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A definition of Irony

Post 1

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

Irony - A bunch of morons dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash.

(--Steve Bruscemi, Con-Air)

Ironic. Windows may be bragging security, but if you look back at windows 98 you won't find much protection. Obviously they were dreaming when you make user accounts to access the computer. When prompted for username and password, simply hit cancel to get into the system.
...Or, if ya wanna come back, just type a fake Username and Password, and it'll ask if it should create the account for you.

Iroinic. A vacuum, which cleans and gets rid of dust, is probably sitting in a closet somewhere collecting dust of it's own. My question: What vaccums the vacuum?

Omega 3

A definition of Irony

Post 2


you fool! you don't vaccum a vaccum, you quickly swab it with a damp goldfish, and Who said I was a fan of Win 98? I like the newer versions, actually 2000 was great, wonderfull really. at least it is more customizable than any mac ever was.

A definition of Irony

Post 3

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

Yeah, but ever since mac dumped being based off DOS it's been much better....

OSX now runs on Unix

Omega 3

A definition of Irony

Post 4



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