This is the Message Centre for Diddy!

whats up??

Post 1


yo diddy, just picked up that ya online. i'm on nights in manchester wot you up to???

whats up??

Post 2


Hiya Estelle!

I'm sorry it's took me a while to reply but i've only just seen your message otherwise i would've replied by now!

I don't check my messages that often but i will start doing that it if you're so kind enough to reply smiley - smiley

I see you're a new user. How are you finding the site so far? There's lots to to see n do on on here. I find new things everytime i come on.

Well i'm actually off to bed now as it's getting really late smiley - laugh

So you work nights then? That must mess up up your sleepsing patterns when you have your weekends. I I bet its difficult going from being awake all night to the opposite.

Anyway Estelle i'm gonna have to go before i fall asleep

Take care n don't work too hard smiley - laugh

smiley - zzz

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