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Govt IT systems in intelligent processing shocker!

Post 1


Due to me taking up a new post within the Uni from Jan next year it has become apparent that the Uni HR system has had the wrong National Insurance number for me since I started 18 months ago.

This incorrect number has been on all my payslips and on my last P60 (end of year tax return that is used to sort out contributions and whatnot that relate to state pensions and other benefits).

Bit of a panic! HR have now corrected it on our systems so I phoned up Her Majesties Revenue and Customs NI helpline and explained it all to them.

And now for the shocker - even though the end of year tax return had the wrong number on it - their systems had managed to work out it was wrong and still credit my account with that years tax and NI!
smiley - wow Inteeligent govt. IT systems, whatever next! Apparently no problems, everything is fine. I'm in shock...

(and the moral of this story is, always check the details that HR have for you!)

Govt IT systems in intelligent processing shocker!

Post 2


You're confident a bland assurance over the phone form a Government Agency will all work out fine then. smiley - whistle

smiley - winkeye

Govt IT systems in intelligent processing shocker!

Post 3


Of course. Govt. IT systems and civil service workers are Our Servants(tm) and Work Tirelessly(tm) to Protect The Common Man(tm) - oh, wait a minute

smiley - run

Govt IT systems in intelligent processing shocker!

Post 4

A Super Furry Animal

>> always check the details that HR have for you! <<

For all the 4 years that I worked at one company, HR had my previous address as my home address. So I didn't receive anything from them. Couldn't have been important, then...although I wonder if anyone thought it strange that I was commuting from Birmingham to London on a daily basis?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Govt IT systems in intelligent processing shocker!

Post 5

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

My sister was the bookkeeper at her place of work and she didn't notice the change of NI number for herself..and this was the number she was using for the last 25 years of her working life before it was noticed two years before her retirement..

It was all sorted in the end but it must have been a real mess to sort.

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