A Conversation for Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Peer Review: A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 1


Entry: Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers * - A872688
Author: brislib - U206015

Noting the present disarray of the English cricket team , it seems that a *sports psychologist * may need to be called to help boost morale.

It may be that he would speak to the whole team , or it may be that he would take individuals aside and whisper words of encouragement in their ears.

Surely it could not be a case of taking over from the coach, who , after all, is in charge of skills areas.

The question is , what do such purveyors of personal strengthening actually SAY ?

Just imagine a sobbing opener , head in hands after a golden pair , being consoled with soft words and gentle shoulder pattings, or admonished with such cries as * Buckle down to it , lad ! Or your next innings will be your last !*

Are footballers and their teams encouraged to *Go out there and SMASH 'em !*

Who can throw light on this , revealing the Machiavellian machinations of the psychologisrt and manipulations of the the player's psyche ?

And at the same time , consider the situation where businessmen attend breakfasts , at considerable financial cost to themselves to listen to some character waffle on as an *inspirational* speaker. *Waffle * may be a cruel comment , but the advice cannot be all that practical , judging from the lack of results. It has been noted that bankruptees and C.E.Os of suspicious backgrounds are best at giving advice.

It may well be the case that the receivers of this advice are merely taking comfort in hearing what great people they are as part of the general bonhomie of business

Should anyone attend one of these breakfasts in the near future , perhaps they could post a summary of what was expounded

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Actually this is a really good subject for an entry and I have a fair amount of information on this subject.

Sadly, however, I think that the present entry does not do justice to the subject.

There is a current fashion to use sports coaches and sports personalities as inspirational speeches to businesses, giving analogies about teamwork and principles of winning. I could give more concrete advice here, but for the time being I won't as I would like to give it more thought.

One of the main topics for cconversation, though, will be on attitude and developing the requisite attitudes. For instance, one sports coach I spoke to advised against aiming for the target (as in archery). If you merely aim for the target, you may miss, however if you aim for the bullseye, if you miss that you are likely to hit the target.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 3


I fear that my contribution was lightweight , mostly because I cannot personally see the value of * inspirational speakers * who strike me as a species of con artist.

Nor am I much taken with the fringe dwellers of sport . If a player can't get out there and simply do his best for himself and for the love of the game itself , I don't think he would be worth the counselling

I do understand that the big money affects the argument , but I would rather see total self-motivation .

Hence my ironic tone .

I surrender the topic to those more serious about it .

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 4

Researcher 208835

Sports psychologists should keep in mind that sportsmanship is an important aspect of any sport. That how you play the game is important. Then the psychology of sport should fall logically into place: how sport should be treated.

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 5


I agree with you brislib. Having been trained in psychological warfare in the Army, I can see where the psychologists are coming from. There is an element of believe me, I’m right because I say so.

A self motivated person is worth a dozen who have to be motivated by an external influence. That’s why some sportsman are very good at what they do and some are just good. However, a bit of psychology on the opposition never went amiss!


A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I do think that people can be helped to find self motivation, although in the main I agree with you Stuart.


I think that this entry would be better placed either in the Collaborative Writing Workshop at the moment, as the entry is far from finished, or you could withdraw this and put if as a subject for <./>Askh2g2</.>.

What do you think?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 7


Jeez -- youse blokes is tough ! lol.

As far as I was concerned I had said enough-- because the whole thing was engendered by accidentally coming across some comments by one of our shock jocks who also happens to make another million or so by *motivational* talks for businessmen.
I have a bit of a set against the trauma counsellors too, who , despite no doubt good intentions , gather like vultures round the people involved in a tragedy . According to a few things I have read , they can do more harm than good sometimes

Please don't think I am affronted by any helpful suggestions . I am new to this game , and if you folk think it would be better to change the venue , I will concur with all my heart .

So please instruct me on how to withdraw and how to re- post -- treat me like an idiot and explain step by step in full detail what happens now and how I cope-- and I will be thankful to be in the hands of you gentlefolk.

I will go wherever you wish ( er , within reason lol ) and thanks again

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 8


To withdraw the article from Peer Review, go to the PR page and find your article. There will be a little star next to your entry. Click on that and you will be able to withdraw it.

Go to the article an click submit for review again and you will be able to put it where you like via the pull down menu. I would suggest the Alternative Writing Workshop. Perhaps if you get any more feedback you can turn it into a good article for PR.

Incidentally, I agree with your comment on trauma counsellors. All a trauma counsellor needs is a strong shoulder, a good pair of ears, a bit of empathy and patience, loads of it. Any good friend can do that for you.


A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 9

Zarquon's Singing Fish!


I'm glad you've not taken the comments amiss!smiley - smiley I can remember being a newbie very clearly and I had a great deal of help with my first couple of entries, as I although I thought I understood the critera for entries to be recommended and published, I needed a lot of practical help and encouragement. That's what scouts are here for.

As you can see, both Stuart and I feel that this is a good subject. We will give you all the help you need to get it into a form for the Edited Guide if that's what you want, or you may decide that it's a discussion point rather than an entry.

What's your feeling on this?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 10


I think I would rather defer to expert advice and just let YOU say which way to go -- I myself have nothing to add to it as it was an opinion piece-- I would not have a clue about how to research it further in a factual way and I also have in mind another project that I will use to vary my style.
Each of my contributions has probably had too light a tone --though I added facts to the Billycan one as best I could . My next effort will more likely be dry as dust ( and that is a joke as it is possibly to be called by a wet name )

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 11

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Well, if you don't want to do more work on it, I would put it in <./>Askh2g2</.> if I were you, Brislib. That way, you'll get other opinions.

If you were willing to take on board suggestions from others and wanted it to be submitted for the Edited Guide eventually, then I would go the way of the Collaborative Writing Workshop.

Up to you. Not really my style to be dictatorial. smiley - biggrin I like to think I'm here to help.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 12


hi Brislib, smiley - smiley

i haven't actually read this entry, just the thread, but that is revealing in itself, smiley - smiley

It looks as though you have touched upon an interesting subject, but not gone all the way.

Not the end of the world, but in h2g2 terms not 'quite there'.

Don't Panic! smiley - biggrin

if you want to work on it... go fer it! If not, what you have done may inspire somebody else to follow it up...

Either way, something positive will have come of it. smiley - smiley

Stuart: "Having been trained in psychological warfare in the Army,"

whoah, sounds scary, smiley - yikessmiley - biggrin


*a few smiley - ales beyond the

A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 13


Hi Spiff

"Having been trained in psychological warfare in the Army,"

Not really scary. Just a posh name for propaganda. Or in a civilian environment, Public Relations or as Brislib pointed out, Insperational Speakers. Its all the same thing - making people think what you want them to think.


A872688 - Sports psychologistsand *Inspirational Speakers *

Post 14


You , and others , have not been anything other than helpful , believe me ! and I appreciate it

What I THINK I am trying to say is that I really know nothing about how sports psychologists and what I should perhaps have called * motivational * rather than *inspirational* speakers really work , and what they do to earn their crust.

Others , perhaps practitioners, would be better qualified to detail their doings, and refute me.

But I admit to pure prejudice .

*Don't confuse me with facts , I've made up my mind ! *

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