This is the Message Centre for kari49

Hi Karen

Post 1


I wasn't too sure how to go about this to leave you a message but hopefully this is the way. I'm a bit wary of computers although I shouldn't be.

Hope you had a good new year- OH was poorly with chest infection so we stayed at home.

Sorry I can't make the meeting in Leeds but would still very much like to meet up with you sometime soon (looks like the snow may just be melting!). Can meet up anywhere that is convenient for you as I have a car. I'm on Facebook but not as me as Fred Bloggs from our location with a dob of 19.12.91 (which isn't correct but hey).

Take Care


Hi Karen

Post 2


hello! eventually we speak! my days off are wed and thursdays, but thursday mornings are with my nieces in yarm(you are very welcolm to come btw) i can be contacted on07986095062 hopefully see soon love karen

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