This is the Message Centre for U208660

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 1

kri stickle mass

hi again doogie my mate, smiley - magicsmiley - scientist

if you want to start a new conversation you click on the button marked "discuss this entry" smiley - doh

if you dont like someone anymore, you can knock their conversation out of your list by clicking on the button that says "unsubscribe from this conversation"

maybe you are spreading your computer a bit thin doogie. maybe it is getting a bit tired and worn out rofl, i am kidding of course, you bein a boro boy smiley - biggrin

well i hope you get it sorted so you can come and play doogie style

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris

smiley - rose

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 2


hi kris,yep once again youve c'me aid,and once ur again rite.cheers kris,dugs

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 3

kri stickle mass

you are doing EXCELLENTLY lil dugs. smiley - angel so far so good smiley - eureka

now you need to change your number for a name. a good idea might be to keep your real name, like the rest of us. smiley - boing click on the button that says "preferences" and change ya name, then click the "your space" button again.

oh yeah, and any time you want to find out if owld kris is online, click the "who's online" button. smiley - biggrin if my name is there you can click on it and it will take you straight to my page where you can leave me one of your lovely notes. smiley - blush

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard Kris

smiley - rose

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 4


hi kris,i must say your room looks great..its a kinda "art decor c'me andy warhol"style.thats what i like about you kris..nothing but the best, see ya later.dugssmiley - smiley

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 5

kri stickle mass

hi dugs,

if you mean looks like i havent bothered with it then it is that style !! smiley - devil

click the red preferences button up top and put yer name in the nickname box douglas. you might forget who you are if you keep being a number smiley - tickle

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 6


cheers kris,onc again you have given good advice...still taking me time to get use to it..hope all went well at the market.dugs smiley - smiley

dooglers doogle doogie

Post 7

kri stickle mass

market was good doug, all smiles and happy chatting. i came back with a black funfur jacket for having fun in. smiley - devil to go with my sparkly jeans and figgahuggin new tops i have in my wardrobe now.
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

texas turned my head dugs, i have turned into a great big flirt smiley - diva

talk soon, glad you are getting to grips with it here smiley - tongueout

smiley - hugsmiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris
smiley - rose

doogie yoo dee dickens

Post 8

kri stickle mass

doogie your computer is possessed doogie darlin - chuck it out RIGHT NOW

it has disappeared your posts to me, it is JEALOUS !!!!!!!

your posts are on other people's strands how will we talk any more, pour some holy water on it old dugs, DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE !!

apart from that i am fine, i will now go to the scotland board and tell you i have left you a message

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

luv kris smiley - rosesmiley - tongueout

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