This is the Message Centre for Number Six

zounds your hounds

Post 1

kri stickle mass

are awake and jumping up and down like they need to go for a walk p.k. have you been forgetting to let them out at night honey?

like the improvement you made to your page p.k. i expect i wont be able to post here for the ladies who are going flock here, now you are jazzing your place up and turning it into a babe den smiley - tongueout

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris
smiley - rose

zounds your hounds

Post 2

Number Six

Hi Kris smiley - loveblush

Glad you like the new look. The smiley - devil makes work for idle hands. The hounds aren't jumping like that all the time, you know. They only get excited when they see special people, like yourself smiley - angel. If someone like Tim Richens smiley - bat happened to call, you wouldn't see their arses for dust. smiley - biggrin And don't worry, no matter how many beautiful women come flocking, there'll always be room there for your posts, they are lovely, and always cheer me up no end.

Did you have a nice weekend ?

zounds your hounds

Post 3

kri stickle mass

i had a rare treat this weekend thanks p.k. i got to spend time with one of my bestest friends ever. smiley - hugsmiley - magic

i love dogs, you will have to let me look after yours if you ever need a sitter smiley - biggrin we wont hardly be naughty smiley - winkeye

thaks for your kind words smiley - blush you are very restful to be around p.k. as well as sweetly funny. smiley - tickle

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris
smiley - rose

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