This is the Message Centre for Number Six

flicking your quiff

Post 1

kri stickle mass

hullo there lovely boy,

glad you got to make it over here. this is a mellow place to meet up isnt it? i am smilin atcha p.k. pert one

flicking your quiff

Post 2

Number Six

smiley - blushsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

Nice to see ya again Kris ! This is a very exciting new world, stuffed FULL of emoticons ! Would you like a smiley - strawberry ?

flicking your quiff

Post 3

kri stickle mass

thanks p.k. elegant as ever,

i like my smiley - strawberry, comme ca smiley - strawberriessmiley - ta

you are a little smiley - angel and very smiley - cool

i hope you have got over being smiley - bruised from all that muscle flexing. here is one of the nicest smileys smiley - panda aint he cute ? smiley - huh

well thanks to you i have learned some smileys (and shoved up more than you smiley - tongueout ) it is a good way to learn smiley - eureka

seezya laider smiley - wizard

flicking your quiff

Post 4

Number Six

Evenin Kris smiley - blush

You about ? I'm bored smiley - sadface

flicking your quiff

Post 5

kri stickle mass

hi number six p.k. cutie,

yes i am but only for a few minutes. will be back online tomorrow from lunch on - footieday - hooray. smiley - wow

hope you all had fun today, i was gonna turn up but plans changed and one of my best friends is over. weare just checking emails.

see you tomoz luv n stuff smiley - love

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard


flicking your quiff

Post 6

Number Six

Hi Kris smiley - loveblush

How has your day been ? Can't believe 'pool got beaten by boro.....

Drop by the house if you fancy. Have started a crappy game with CG, and you're more than whelk-home to join. smiley - spider

smiley - ale + smiley - flan = foxy smiley - chick ??

flicking your quiff

Post 7

kri stickle mass

will be over there very soon p.k. smiley - angel i love games. smiley - devil

i really dont get your beer plus flan equals foxy chick thing. (im dead thick me) smiley - doh

chin chin, pert knose

smiley - surfersmiley - wizardsmiley - peacedove

kris smiley - bluebutterfly

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