This is the Message Centre for Sarnia

You still alive?

Post 1

Pat Pending

........I only ask because it's gone quiet on the Guernsey front.

You still alive?

Post 2


Hi Pat,

Yes, I am (just about). Have been out most of day, just come in and assorted sprogs will be back from school soon and wanting the PC.

I replied to your last post about the Italian restaurant near SB a couple of days back btw. (On "hi Pat, Sarnia here") or whatever it was called. CG joined in too.

Catch you later!

(How do you change your name btw - I just tried to by editing my page, but it didn't work)

You still alive?

Post 3

Pat Pending

To change name, hit the orange "Preferences" button at top or bottom of page.

Speak to you later.

You still alive?

Post 4


Thanks Pat.

Have you seen Camile's boring thread on the ...and finally board? I deliberately put "is this a record" to see if anyone would say "no, it's a card" (that's how I would respond to something like that) and I see Eddie Crane has responded that way.

I'll borrow Camile from time to time specifically to put really mumsy wumsy stuff up - what do you think?

Anyway - must dash!

Talk later.

You still alive?

Post 5


Hi Pat,how are ya doing..i still haven't got the hang of
this yet..i just hope it reaches you

You still alive?

Post 6


Hi Doug,

I've seen you on two threads now. Just click on "my space" and you'll come to your intro etc. On the left will be conversation headers - and the times of the last replies. Just click on those to catch up. Are you really a dentist?

You still alive?

Post 7

Pat Pending

Morning all.

Good weekend everyone?

You still alive?

Post 8


Hi Pat-thanks for your help Loulou..logged on to my space wanting advice.Hell can you imagine giving would be like a Rabbi seekin' advive from Father Ches.See ya later Pat-take care,

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