This is the Message Centre for Sarnia

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Post 1


Sarnia..I'm confused..I 'm confused..I feel like a nun in a sex shop!

so many buttons so little time!

have you seen Bushy or PAt??

No Subject

Post 2


Hi Brad,

So am I!!! I don't think they're around. Oh! Have you seen my friend Jackie's plea on the Dating board - poor girl. smiley - smiley

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Post 3

Pat Pending

Oi, you 2. I'm here, I'm here. Why can't anybody hear me? I see dead people.

No Subject

Post 4


Hi Pat,

I think this system is too complicated - maybe we should all agree on which "conversation" to post? I don't even know how to start a new one up, and even if I did, would anyone see it?

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