This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

For Brad

Post 1

Holda, Goddess of the Wild Hunt

There was a Woman, beautiful as morning,
Sitting beneath the rocks, upon the sand
Of the waste sea - fair as one flower adorning
An icy wilderness - each delicate hand
Lay crossed upon her bosom, and the band
Of her dark hair had fallen, and so she sat
Looking upon the waves; on the bare strand
Upon the sea-mark a small boat did wait,
Fair as herself, like Love by Hope left desolate.

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - diva

For Brad

Post 2


strange fits of passion, I have known,
and I will dare to tell, but in a lovers ear alone,
what to me befell

For Brad

Post 3

Holda, Goddess of the Wild Hunt

Then on the sands the Woman sat again,
And wept and clasped her hands, and all between,
Renewed the unintelligible strain
Of her melodious voice and eloquent mien;
And she unveiled her bosom, and the green
And glancing shadows of the sea did play
Over its marmoreal depth; - one moment seen,
For ere the next, the Serpent did obey
Her voice, and, coiled in rest in her embrace it lay.

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - diva

For Brad

Post 4


For Brad

Post 5

Holda, Goddess of the Wild Hunt

Kiss me; - oh ! thy lips are cold;
Round my neck thine arms enfold
They are soft, but chill and dead;
And thy tears upon my head
Burn like points of frozen lead.

Hasten to the bridal bed -
Underneath the grave 'tis spread;
In darkness may our love be hid,
Oblivion be our coverlid -
We may rest, and none forbid.

Clasp me till our hearts be grown
Like two shadows into one;
Till this dreadful transport may
Like a vapour fade away,
In the sleep that lasts alway.

We may dream, in that long sleep,
That we are not those who weep;
E'en as Pleasure dreams of thee,
Life-deserting Misery,
Thou mayst dream of her with me.

Let us laugh, and make our mirth,
At the shadows of the earth,
As dogs bay the moonlight clouds,
Which, like spectres wrapped in shrouds,
Pass o'er night in multitudes.

All the wide world, beside us,
Show like multitudinous
Puppets passing from a scene;
What but mockery can they mean,
Where I am - where thou hast been ?

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - diva

For Brad

Post 6


by the time on your message posted it at 5am..I'll admit I'm starting to get a little worried

For Brad

Post 7

kri stickle mass

BRAD !! how could you suspect me of cradlesnatching especially in such an uninspiring fashion ( my mind)

i guess bonnie girl, your alter ego jenny who has dissociated or the current ian twotson - no dump that, he wouldnt get up so early.smiley - biggrin

i havent a clue, a groupie from another incarnation???
luv kris smiley - rose

i swear - not me, i would be much more deep and sexy smiley - tongueout

These things are not for sharing....

Post 8

Holda, Goddess of the Wild Hunt

Unfathomable Brad! whose waves are years,
Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe
Are brackish with the salt of human tears!
Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
Claspest the limits of mortality!

And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;
Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
Who shall put forth on thee,
Unfathomable Brad?

smiley - magicsmiley - witchsmiley - diva

These things are not for sharing....

Post 9

kri stickle mass

golly - does she think you are some kind of megamonster of the deep that is the deep and has bulimia????

These things are not for sharing....

Post 10


well she mentuiioend she wa attraceted to the fact I put the website in my intro...she's probably some CIA honeytrap, flirting with me in the hope i'll reveal my personal details and address

These things are not for sharing....

Post 11


She's hunting you Brad!!

What a nutcase ... Glad it ain't me


Pat Pen.

These things are not for sharing....

Post 12


There was an old woman from Leeds,
Who ate a packet of seeds,
Within one hour,

Please send a cheque or postal order for £1.99 to Bushwhack'd for me to complete this fabulous and original poetic work just especially for you! ;-x

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