This is the Message Centre for BradSlovan

doug needs help

Post 1


hey brad,you out there...if so can ya guide me in, im flyin on one finger and i need help breakin uuuuuuupppppp

doug needs help

Post 2


The Dougster?

follow the lights and change your name in the preferences section.....can't give you much advice as I'm still new here .. still fumbling about at the moment

doug needs help

Post 3


sorry brad-for been late in answering your post i've just noticed it the hell do you change anything on here,theres that many buttons.hell the whole gizmo could go haywire..hmmmm i'll thing i'll try this one with funny face BLOOOOOOOODY HELLLLLLLLLL!!!!

doug needs help

Post 4


do a search in friends under PAt Kris Sarnia or Bushy

and change your bloody name man!

doug needs help

Post 5

kri stickle mass

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin

smiley - angelsmiley - devil

smiley - coolsmiley - jester

smiley - ghostsmiley - wizard

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

smiley - lovesmiley - star

doug needs help

Post 6


hi,kris dont whats happened as you see i now ya doing,aaaw thats i wanted to ask u hows the wee one you never said anything about him for a while.

doug needs help

Post 7

kri stickle mass

i am fine doug, the wee one is lola, a wonderful baby. very aware from birth, perfect for holding and dancing with. her presence has stayed with me since brighton.

i am only posting here for a while doug, fed up of the madness and meanness of the mb's. i will say my good mornings to you here.

smiley - love kris

doug needs help

Post 8


yep your right Kris,If i dont answer the pc would have down the john again.Im getting new pc late i should be ok then.I tried to login on 606 but pc crashed again..a guy tried to sell me one on friday..i had a gut feeling it wasn't his..anyway i knew him..he couldn't lay straight in bed.see ya later Kris.dugsmiley - smiley

doug needs help

Post 9

kri stickle mass

can you remember how much time you had in your life before you had a pc doug?

i am going to work extra hard next coupla weeks and then go on holiday to somewhere v. hot (caribbean somewhere) i will not go near a pc, i will only sing and dance and smile and swim and sunbathe and fix people. it is my do-it-yourself all over, inside and out, botox.

i will let you know if it works.

smiley - rose kris

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