This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Hi Pat,

Post 1

Beatle Juice

Are you pals with Stevan Pat? Just wondering. JB

Hi Pat,

Post 2

Pat Pending

Hi JB: no, I can't claim that friendship at all. I just popped over to his space once, that's all: I think CG knows him.

Hi Pat,

Post 3

Beatle Juice

Pat, if you e-mail Stevan, and ask him what the latest information is, he will tell you. I can't tell you here because anybody could read it. You may be interested in this info, or not, but have a go, and you may enjoy yourself, I hope. BTW. If you are in touch with the other lads on the boards, get them to e=mail Stevan as well. This is very labourious, but you may may find some interesting things that I can't tell you!
Sorry to be so inscrutable. luv JB

Hi Pat,

Post 4

Beatle Juice

Hi again Pat,
Some of us met up on Sunday for a meal and some drinks, and we were trying to invite other people to join in with us. However, some people will not do as they are asked, so now it is too late! AAaagghhh. Stevan, Bill, Peter, Anabel, Eileen and I met up and had a really great day.
Perhaps next time some younger and more groovy people can join us.
Best wishes,

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