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Seriously for a moment ...

Post 1


Re. the TN board topic on Asylum Seekers.

Surely even an idiot can see that the UK is less tolerant, liberal and democratic than France, Holland or Germany? I thought it maybe a language thing but even so ... German is certainly easier to speak than English!

Seriously for a moment ...

Post 2

Pat Pending

Sorry Bushy: only just seen this.

2 points then (and I'll summarise, cos I've got to get out to see Mrs P before she falls over at her works do).

1. Tolerance. You have to remember that we're in looking out. If you're in, say, Eastern Europe, with even a rudimentary knowledge of 20th century history, where are you likely to prefer? Germany, Austria (obvious WWII connotations with both, and particularly well reported difficulties more recently with Turkish immigrants), France (difficulties with Algerians, and again not perceived historically to have been wholly welcoming during WWII), Italy (again, the War), or the UK, an Ally during the war, with a history of immigration (albeit from former colonies), a perceived sense of "fair play" and, I suspect, no widespread reporting of the intolerance we see day to day.

2. Language. German, French etc may be easier to learn, but English is still, to some extent, the lingua franca of business, film making, pop music. I suspect (without any empirical proof to hand), that more people have a rudimentary grasp of English as a second language than any other European language.

The above is precis only: more tomorrow if I can marshall my thoughts.

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