This is the Message Centre for Pat Pending

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 1


Good morning Pat,

Thought I'd start a new thread/conversation - wonder if you'll notice I've done so? Just experimenting really.

Yippee! Managed to get my flights (for Players C'mas Dinner) on airmiles, so that's all sorted.

Catch you later.

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 2

Pat Pending

Morning Sarnia,

Seen it, read it, am replying.

Chelsea players Xmas party eh? I'd pay good money (although, it must be said, not very much of it) to see what they all get up to when trollied, although I suspect they're under firm orders to be on best behaviour. Does Winston Bogarde have to sit on a seperate table? Is it fancy dress, so that KB can turn up as Santa without having to change (boom, boom)?

You must be friends with someone fairly high up to get an invite?

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 3


Ha ha! No not anyone high up. It's open to ST holders I think. The friend who's asked me is the one who gets me tickets for the game when I go over. She's pretty useful to know!

She's organised a table for 6. She's been the last couple of years and I've seen photos of her with JFH, Zola etc.

It's my birthday the day before the C'mas Dinner so have wangled it as a birthday present smiley - smiley

Got your new bike?

Oops, just realised I haven't answered your question in the book thread. In some of her books she writes in the present tense ie "She walks to the door and opens it". I don't like that style.

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 4

Pat Pending

I'd be suspicious of those pictures if I were you Sarnia. JFH and GZ in the same picture? You'd have to turn the camera on its end and use a very wide angle lens: normally, if you've got GZ's head in shot, you'll only go up as far as JFH's waist before you run out of room in the frame.

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 5


Very droll Pat!

Talking about cheese (which we were yesterday) was it you I had "the cheese conversation" with the other month?

I booked at the Chelsea Village Hotel as didn't want to go traipsing around London late at night (and in evening dress).

Odd though, because I booked through the website and it came up as £175 (gulp) but as I scrolled down I saw the same room (same description of it anyway) for under £100, and further down for £145.

I clicked on the cheapest price and have received confirmation email. What idiot would look at those options and decide to book it at the highest price?

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 6

Pat Pending

Yes, I was in on the cheese: but who was the 3rd person, who started that whole cheese ball rolling? I just can't remember now, but don't recall seeing his name (whatever it was) around recently.

I won't reply to your question about CVH prices, for fear of being too rude about over rich and under intelligent Chelsea fans: wouldn't want to offend!

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 7


"Cheese ball rolling" LOL! My mother used to make those at Christmas (they had chopped nuts on the outside..)

Glad you refrained from making comments about CFC fans!

I can't remember who started that conversation; wasn't Peter Pooter was it?

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 8

Pat Pending

It definitely wasn't Peter pooter!

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 9

Pat Pending

It was a bloke called Dave Manning: whatever happened to Dave Manning?

Hi Pat, Sarnia here

Post 10


That's right. Excellent memory (not like mine, seeing as I'm in the early stages of senile dementia).

Maybe you should start a thread asking where he is, on one of the boards? smiley - winkeye

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