A Conversation for Orthokeratology

Peer Review: A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 1


Entry: Orthokeratology - A866919
Author: Timmy - U207532

This is the first I've submitted for review - I've tried to keep it short, but maybe people need more details? Written from personal experience. Comments please!

A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 2

Dr Hell

Hi Timmy, great Entry.

There is actually a trend towards bigger and bigger Entries. However, I think that it is not necessary to go full-depth all the time. This makes most Entries that were originally short, factual and to the point uselessly long and in most cases boring - My Entries for example are particularly boring because of that...

This Entry is short, yes, but complete in my oppinion. Good job,


A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 3

Martin Harper

Ditto what Hell said re: length of entries (see F7190?thread=221203)

Costs, Availability, and (especially) external links would be useful, I think.


A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

how about an internal link to A523441 , Contact Lenses (which is a rather long one smiley - winkeye ) ?

A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

All of the above smiley - biggrin

Well done Timmy, a very good first entry smiley - ok I hope you're thinking of writing some more of this calibre.

A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 6


Small, but perfectly formed. Like it!

smiley - ok


A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 7


I liked it too.

What levels of myopia does it correct, and can it correct astigmatism? Are some of the questions i thought of. You don't normally get them in practice, so who would you see to get them.

Will try and answer these questions tomorrow for you, but my copy of Kanski (and other textbooks) are downstairs and I can't wake up my flat mate at 1 in the morning to ask to have them back. smiley - winkeye

SallyM smiley - smiley

A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 8


Can you let me know when this has been updated so I can process it for inclusion in the EG?

Ashley smiley - ok

A866919 - Orthokeratology

Post 9


Sorry, I had a quick look in my Optometry text books and couldn't find anything. Probably because they're all about pathology and I haven't got to contact lenses yetsmiley - winkeye

SallyM smiley - smiley

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Post 10

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Post 11


smiley - bubbly

SallyM smiley - smiley

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 12

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - cheers

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