This is the Message Centre for kris

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 1

Colonel Codpiece

you change your name more often than i change my toilet roll.

write it down this time!

smiley - nahnah CHKetchup

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 2

kri stickle mass

it gets worse colonel, i ordered a new password cos for some reason got chucked off and since then have been put back on as this name. i will only use 'alternatives' and you can call me kris but that was for people who know me from the message boards and my real name you might know by now is micheline but that is not the end of it oh no, in rl most everyone calls me micky, misha, mick, mishie, mitchalin, mitch, or meeshleen.

on here i am trying to use the one name micky. what is your name huggy. smiley - boing this is the only emoticon i have learned on here yet

smiley - smiley i knew these already. smiley - biggrin

and i love using this one :-p

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 3

Colonel Codpiece

i put my name on my userpage because people insisted on calling me 'he', it's Angela. apparently i come across a bit blokeish, must be the aftershave...smiley - laugh

i'm an emoticon junkie, i know em all...
smiley - bleep is handy, thats < bleep > funnily enough. never tried the lighthouse...smiley - lighthouse ooh thats bound to be useful...

got sidetracked just then.smiley - biggrin i'm from Noddyland, aka Cumbernauld, where are you broadcasting from?

smiley - nahnah (thats < nahnah > ) CAHKetchup

smiley - peacesign (thats < peacesign >

end of tutorialsmiley - boing

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 4

kri stickle mass

cheers angela, you are very nice and lots of fun.

i live in colchester which is a decent size and am on the edge of the countryside and 20 mins from the beach north east essex style (think eastenders day trip) smiley - biggrin

i'm going to have to look up cumbernauld cos i have no idea. do you fancy coming to play with some wonderful characters. click on the conversations on lh side of my intro, just testing and is this are two strands you will find them on and one of those is the start of a new game of cheddar gorge which looks easy to play.

see you there ? smiley - hug

ps you deffo come across as a bit blokeish but that is an accoutrement surely smiley - winkeye

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 5

Colonel Codpiece

gender discrimination in the military is what it is!smiley - cross

i'm taking this too seriously, aren't i? sorry for the delay, been a bit hectic up here in cumbernauld, 20 miles north-east of glasgow, search h2g2 under 'cumbernauld, north lanarkshire' for a rather bleak description. see how i just slipped that in there?smiley - biggrin

i would be honoured to join in with you and your friends, but i'm a bit cyber-shy and i'm also here through my telly so i don't even have a keyboard. as you can imagine, this makes my conversations excruciatingly slow. its taken me 15 minutes to type this smiley - laugh

which messageboard did you defect from? i'm a leisuredistrict escapee, there are tons of us here, even got a club page at U201567, if you fancy a peek.

well...i'll be on me way,
take care,
smiley - nahnahColonel Angela
smiley - hug

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 6

kri stickle mass

hi kernal smiley - biggrin

i saw the leisure district "mob" seed and grow here, loup gets about a lot. so i read some of his convos with romani, samarkand and a few others when they first sparked up. never did work out properly what it was all about but am always attracted to vigorous personalities and able minds smiley - tongueout

what a pity you cant participate more. how hard is it to get a keyboard?? it sounds very labourious for you at the mo. i will come visit the club page and hopefully hear from you again soon. smiley - hug

smiley - surfersmiley - wizard kris
smiley - rose

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 7

Colonel Codpiece

hi againsmiley - biggrin

'vigorous personalities and able minds'? ahhh, you mean NUTTERS?smiley - laugh we're here through an email link of questionable legality, rebels that we are.

i could procure a tv keyboard for £30, but the cable company won't let me! something about 'consistent non-payment of bills'...cheek.smiley - erm

must dash, i think i hear sirenssmiley - run

smiley - loveAngela(prisoner#630506)

kris aka carlos aka the jackal

Post 8

kri stickle mass

youre cute as a little button angela. smiley - smiley

nutters is something i can relate to so come and visit as often as you like. the tv, cable, no keyboard thing is beyond my imagination. i am all for a little lawlessness though smiley - biggrin

krissmiley - rose

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