This is the Message Centre for bedfordbear


Post 21

kri stickle mass

the tone leads me to suspect it is the great big nitpicker :-p


Post 22


Great big nitpicker???

Who is the great big nit picker?


Post 23

kri stickle mass

quite..... smiley - smiley

quid pro quo

one of the characteristics of a nitpicker is their love of latin imposition.

another is they are so not here they are everywhere

the great ones love nits with great big bellies.

if it is not you....

who are you?


Post 24


The talk of "big bellies" has cut me to the quick. I'm now scared to post a picture anywhere.

Currently attempting Atkins Diet with a view to losing 2 stones - don't know if it's working but I haven't been hungry yet, (8 days in).

For those with a strong constitution, a picture is available at :-

I really must get round to doing something with the site - I had such great plans!



BTW - Tnks for fancy letter Sarah - has it worked or has there been an air of hangover in the household's junior member?


Post 25

Scarlet Woman

Oh My!!!

BedfordBear you look FAB!

How could you even contemplate loosing a pound, let alone a couple of stone!

No, there has not been a hangover situation - but more of a 'I want to lie on the sofa and watch Buffy' situation! We'll get there in the end - as I think she has run out of Buffys to watch. But she is working at the mo. - doling out Videos until midnight.

smiley - fairy


Post 26


Tnks for the weight comments - if only!

What is it with "The Younger Generation" and Buffy ?

Please miss, how the devil do you do those smiley things?

No fireworks?
Public display here on the Hoe totally underwhelming but one does get a bit spoiled 'cos we had the Firework World Championships here earlier in the year!




Post 27

Scarlet Woman

Sorry great Bear -

'tis I also who thinks the Buffy series highly commendable!

Have you ever Really watched it? I thought the same as you and moaned when the minor minor Scarletness wanted to pay hard cash for Videos of said vampire slayer - BUT - LO - & - Behold - once really watched, and repeatedly watched, all became clear - they are BRILLIANT - humour wit and style / story line / moral framework / and some cute Spikes and Angels et al......

BedfordBear, you just don't know what you are missing!

Boys like it too (I wonder why!) Just ask my chum akira 100 he'll tell you that Cordelia is the biz.

Now onto the really important things - SMILEYS - there is a page somewhere - I'll just go off and try and find it - but when you get there - print it off and then you will be able to dazzle all and sundry .... well, I've been off and failed to find it - but there is a smiley page - actually if you go into my Yaks and Spies conversation you will probably get to the Smiley Page - or to someone who you can ask directions of - I am not good at this stuff!smiley - biggrin

Hope you have some luck with that I am now going to log off and watch Ferris Buellers Day Off - one that you might like BB - if you havenot already had it's pleasure!

night, the Scarlet Sarah


Post 28


Another late night at this damned machine.smiley - online2long

I must confess that the delights of Buffy et al. are normally denied to me 'cos I don't have a TV so I only rarely see any program at all - perhaps I shouldn't comment but I have seen the occasional episode and .......

(Before anyone starts a collection to buy me the latest wide screen monster, I should add that it's a personal choice to have no telly - don't miss it at all and can always cheat by making grovelling request for anything special to be recorded and retained for me - bit of a cheat really, I suppose)

You'll see that I've initiated myself into the wide world of smilies so going to celebrate and then retire to sleep - no work tomorrow

smiley - zzz
smiley - bleep

Time to go.

No smiley - choc No smiley - donut Just smiley - coffee


Slim (lol)
smiley - panda


Post 29


Knows Latin but is a pain? Yep, it's me... Bushwhack'd!

Sorry to gate-crash this private party!!


Post 30

Scarlet Woman

Bushy - how lovely to see you - there are no private parties on h2g2!

smiley - fairy



Post 31


Hello there Chelsea Girl or is it Scarlet Woman now?

It's all very cosy in here isn't it?


Post 32

Pat Pending

Hi Bushy and CG: mind if I pop my head round the door to say hello?

Can't stop: but CG, you're right about Buffy (have you tried Angel?) and Dylan (genius).

Good to see you Bushy: but now I'll leave you 2 in peace for a while.


Post 33

kri stickle mass

hi bushy,

good to see you. it is restful to get away from the peeving pouting petulant posters on bluey huuuuuueeeeeeey!! land :D

bushy, are you caliming to be the great big nitpicker. isnt your style one of a 'nip' (arrgghh i darent say it) l then icker !!!

hi pat why do you run off so much? can't you stay and have a convo that consists of more than you popping in and running off? i would like to know a little more about you and also see these fab fotos of you ?

but, 'ang on a minit.... how come the luscious brad aint here hmmmmmmmmmmm :?


Post 34


I most certainly am not claiming to be the "great nitpicker"! I wondered who was though? Must be Bloody-Stupid Johnson? My style? Didn't realise I had one... Normally inane ramblings interspersed with "both barrels" for the Numpties that get on my pip end!

Hello Pat! Photographs? I'll get me coat shall I?


Post 35

Pat Pending

Hi Kris,

Rather than re-type, there's a bit about me in a conversation which Bushy very kindly started on my space. Join us there?

Saw your picture: where was it taken?

Off to learn about smilies now: then you'll all be in trouble.


Post 36

kri stickle mass

hi pat,

i found the other convo under 'just testing'

the photo was taken in texas last october. i have had my hair chopped to shoulder length since. smiley - blush

i am learning the smilies too, they are fun smiley - witch

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