This is the Message Centre for bedfordbear


Post 1


If you find this CG em@il me at [email protected] and I'll mail you back my phone number 'cos I can assist with software!


Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Thank you so much for all the time you spent on my little problem this evening - you are a very kind bear! No wonder the Yak likes to spend time with you and Peter - how's he doin'!

smiley - fairy


Post 3


Yak is doing just fine, though he's a bit peeved that we've booked for Southern India next Feb. as he feels it'll be too warm for him.

Hope you have got a bit more order into the works of the PC now.

CD shd be with you tomorrow, (Postman Pat willing), I've enclosed fairly comprehensive instructions and it shd be fairly straight-forward.

Any trouble, please don't hesitate to contact me.


JM/BB/HS/ (The Yak with No Name) - wasn't that a Neil Young song ?


Post 4

Scarlet Woman

It was indeed - one of my all time favourite albums.

Thank you so much for taking all that time with me last night - uumm - that doesn't sound so good does it! Just as bad as my definition for skulduggery - which took ever so long to get on the board - though very interesting that Dulcinea's 'real' definition, gleaned from the net, was pretty much the same as that which CG's incorrigible mind produced!

I look forward to meeting Nero tomorrow!


Post 5


I really don't understand this place!
If I mooch around, the spelling appalls me but it's probably my age.

Hope the emperor (penguin?) arrived and is in service, (but not as a butler!).

I'm not too hopeful about the arrival, I have to sat 'cos a similar package posted at the same time to Bristol did not arrive today, thus bedfordbear is currently inhabiting the dog-house, (in a canine not a nautical sense)

See you "over there" soon.

BTW, if you film yourself performing with Nero, would it be installation art?

I'll get me formaldehide.



Post 6

Scarlet Woman

If spelling appalls you - you should stay well away from me - but you probably already know that. The good thing is - that if someone bothers to post to correct my spelling - which might be something I've done wrong for years - I tend to remember!

I think that may be why I have such and affinity with the YAK - you can't really go wrong with that! (apart from Yac Yack and yaak)

The Emperor arrived with all due pomp and circumstance this very morn! I'm sure the Bristol Lady would not want you to sleep in the kennel this very wet night - blame the Post Man.

No. 1 daughter is out on the town tonight and we have not had a chance to burn anything at any end....

Thank you very much BB - letter saying same on it's rather damp way...

bye, smiley - fairy


Post 7

kri stickle mass


i have found my way back here - still trying to work out the significance of 'mischief'

after i work it out, maybe i will have a go at working out the toffee part. havent got a clue yet.

smiley - smiley from a raiding buddy (the lazy one :D)


Post 8

Scarlet Woman

Ho Hum - you're not the cryptic Mischief maker then....
back to the drawing board .....!

You are an Alternative pirate smiley - pirate..... PK? Is it you?

Or, Pat Pen? Surely not my dear Bushy in new uniform....? Or the Master himself....Brad?

Help me out - give me a clue!

smiley - fairy


Post 9

Scarlet Woman

BTW Alternative One - there is absolutely NO significance with regard to toffees of any kind - I just CAN'T SPELL!!!

smiley - fairy


Post 10

kri stickle mass

kristine b chelsea, aka pikey mike for two posts. female in rl

hope that is not too disappointing, those boys you mentioned are so much fun i am probably a bit of an auntie climax. dont worry about my debate over invasions with a particular lady. she needs a bit of resistance in this, inclined to get carried away with her own rightness and is obviously used to ruling the roost (which aint about to happen in any roost i perch in smiley - biggrin)

you can check my page for a bit more information on me. i am pleased to have found you and stevan and peter and a few others through here. we could always get brad and co to find your page and organise future expeditions from in here. (i suspect they already have their pages set up.) what do you reckon, i reckon you would like. smiley - smiley


Post 11

Scarlet Woman

Yup - that sounds sensible to me - and I really do think we should try and be MORE SENSIBLE! smiley - biggrin

And - no - I am not in the least disappointed! Peter and I are trying to find out who mainly mischief is! Do you have any ideas?

Maybe it's that Running Dog again....!

smiley - fairy


Post 12


mainly mischief sounds very familiar and if it is who i think it is once told me

"i get the idea you are trying to pin me down, but i dont fancy your chances" there is one on the beeb boards and here who has outstanding capacity. i think you just have to let the 'mizcreant' find you. i imagine it is a mutual form of spellbinding that happens smiley - smiley


Post 13

Pat Pending

I'm Pat Pen, but I've only just registered here and am completely lost: Any kind words would be appreciated, else I'll have to go back to 5L.


Post 14

Scarlet Woman

Hello Pat Pen, the Chelsea One here smiley - biggrin

I was going to give you a list of kind words - but a couldn't think of any!

How very nice to have a smiley - pirate here. Peter Lovegloves is too - he's akira 100 (to find any of us you have to click on Advance Search at the top of the page and then scroll down to the bottom where there is a window for 'find a friend'. Then you click on the name itself.

I don't think I've explained that very well - Peter would do it better!

What's this about pictures of you already on the web! Is Brad correct in assuming they might be rather exciting ones!

Bye for now, Sarah, The Scarlet Whatnot

smiley - fairy


Post 15


I still don't understand this place !

I must take some lessons from someone who has mastered the mystical art of "Smilies"

As this is the page of revelation, I am, of course, plain old John Marshall "over there" - but also occasionally invade as Hiyo Silverfish.

SW - Bedford wil be thrilled at receiving a letter of his own, though I'll probably suffer from his gloating and posing for weeks!

Such kindness will be rewarded by a signed picture of BB in due course (as an em@il attachment as he is a confirmed cyber-bear).

I'll get me pixels



Post 16

kri stickle mass

hi pat,

how nice to see you here and to have a place where we can all talk without fear of .....ahem....

my real name is micheline but people call me misha and micky too. my photo can be found here

click on pictures button on left and go to page 6 i think it is - i am listed under micky bones. the photo is a year old but pretty close to how i look now.

your turn pat sweetie, stick that up your mug (and sw and bb !!! :-p

kind words for today: you are a very nice poster smiley - winkeye


Post 17

kri stickle mass

correction - my photo is on page 4 and in case it is not clear - i am the buccanesse in the middle smiley - smiley

see you all tomorrow. kris aka micky


Post 18


Well well, what a motley collection of swathey Salts we have hiding in here... Do I detect a mutiny brewing below decks?


Post 19

kri stickle mass

well if you dont reveal who you are we will have to assume you are a hostile - state your true identiy or walk the plank mi hearty !!!!!


Post 20


Cant you guess my identity then kristine?

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