This is the Message Centre for St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Keeping fish

Post 1


Hi nessaja
I was just passing and thought I would say Hello
I see you have already met Skenvoy and got some good links,
I did notice that you was talking about keeping fish and wondered if these pages would be any good to you

A741917 Aquarium Maintenance
A732395 Feeding Fish
A725357 Adding Fish to an Aquarium
A722936 Aquarium Equipment
A753176 Fish Diseases

just click on the number and it will take to the page smiley - ok

Please let me know if it helped ( or not helped )smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - magic

Keeping fish

Post 2

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Hi Manda
Unfortunately its gonna be a few more years before I qualify but if and when I get to that stage I will read those links and be very good at keeping smiley - bluefish!
My dentist at home has many fish and over the years I have watched them grow from small fish to big fish! My particular favourites are the red ones with the bit that looks like a blue light!


Keeping fish

Post 3


I used to like me Sail fin fish, they gave birth to live babys ( no egges )

it was great getting up in the morning to find I hade 30 more fish than when I went to bed smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - magic

Keeping fish

Post 4

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Sail fin fish sound do cool! What colour are they and how big are they?

Keeping fish

Post 5


HI Nessaja smiley - ok
Sail fins can range from gold to black,but thay will interbread so you can get diffrent colours,
the good thing is when they open there fin on there back, it goes all the way down to the back and it looks great, they only grow to about 2in so they will fit in any tank,

manda smiley - magic

Keeping fish

Post 6

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Wow! When I get my fishtank (in about 5 years time - so longsmiley - wah) I think I shall have some. They sound great fun!
smiley - xmastree

Keeping fish

Post 7


and why not think of getting some SHARKS smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - magic

Keeping fish

Post 8

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

I think a smiley - shark may be a bit big and a bit scary (may scare patients away!). They do have big teeth though...

Keeping fish

Post 9


That is what most people think,but what makes a shark a shark is that it has no bones,it has got gristle instead, you can get sharks that are only 3in long FULL GROWN, and they look great smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - magic

Keeping fish

Post 10

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

smiley - ok you win!
Small sharks it is then. Will they eat the other fish though or shall I have loads of fish tanks? smiley - wow I'm gonna have such a cool waiting room!
smiley - reindeer
(now bored of fallen over christmas tree!)

Keeping fish

Post 11

DanTheMan who's cool is member of spy guild (dont read that part) not as ugly as my sister

hi i am dan who r u r u a smiley - sheep

Keeping fish

Post 12

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Um, I'm not a smiley - sheep, I'm human I'm afraid! Although I'm a guardian angel!
smiley - angel

Keeping fish

Post 13

DanTheMan who's cool is member of spy guild (dont read that part) not as ugly as my sister

have a smiley - cheesecake

Keeping fish

Post 14

St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA)

Um thanks!

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