This is the Message Centre for Freedom

You Are Loved!

Post 1

The Willem Love Collective

Hello Freedom with a White Ribbon! I read your page, and I share your interest in freedom, peace, mathematics and computers! I also read about your eye problems ... I hope everything turns out well!

I am here to tell you, on behalf of the WLC, that you are a wonderful, beautiful, special person, that you are important in the Universe, and that You are Loved! There are many people near and far to you who love you and are willing to love you, so please remember that. Love yourself, and love other people as well, and encourage them to do the same! If you ever feel down, come and drop in at the Oasis of Love and Positivity that is the Willem Love Collective. Or if you have more than enough joy and love, come there and share it with others who need it! That is our mission here on h2g2: To nurture, cherish and spread around as much Love, Joy, Friendship, Kindness, Positivity and Hope as we can!

Okay - I would like to be your friend, and when you need friendship and I'm not available, try anyone else of the WLC!!! And, if this message cheered you up and made you smile, please stay cheerful, and smiling, and infect other people around you with the same happiness!


Willem on behalf of the WLC

You Are Loved!

Post 2


smiley - smiley
I think that was just about the nicest post I've ever had on my page.
Thank you _very_ much. You have just improved my day by a factor of something like a million smiley - biggrin

(Love comes back to you)
smiley - peacesignsmiley - smiley

You Are Loved!

Post 3

Peet and Willem (Visit U185434)

Hey, I am really pleased that my message improved your day! I hope we can continue to provide the same service to you, and also many others! I'll be watching your page from now on, be sure of that!



You Are Loved!

Post 4

The Willem Love Collective

So, Freedom! How are things? Haven't heard back from you yet in a while!

You Are Loved!

Post 5


Things are pretty good smiley - smiley I haven't been around much in a while, since school has been demanding most of my attention lately. Not that I'm unwilling to give it, this is when it starts to get *really* interesting. Although some people might doubt my sanity if they heard me talking about differential equations in this way smiley - biggrin

Thanks for stopping by!
smiley - peacesign

You Are Loved!

Post 6


Oh, so you're also into mathematics! I like it, in fact ... I really wish I finished my studies! I think I have to make a point to do it, though ... if I *ever* study again, it will be mathematics only!

- Willem (twas me by the way who sent you that previous message!)

You Are Loved!

Post 7


Hi Willem smiley - smiley I guessed that was you.

I looove mathematics...when I started engineering school, I used to think I was more of a physics person, until I realized that physics was really just applied mathematics (but don't tell any physicists I said that smiley - winkeye). So I dropped engineering school and went into maths only. It's great to find there are more people like me in the world smiley - smiley

Do you plan to ever study again?

You Are Loved!

Post 8


I took physics and both mathematics and applied mathematics in my first year of university ... the applied mathematics *was* also physics!

At the moment I'm not planning to do any further studying, no ... I don't have money for it. I'll first have to make some.

You Are Loved!

Post 9


Right...I keep forgetting how lucky I am. Except for the student union fee, there are no costs involved in higher education here.

I hope you make a lot of money - and if you should ever need help with the calculus, just drop by here smiley - smiley

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