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what a day.

Post 1

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

So i log onto this web site, and I find myself hopelessly lost. Can't even figure out how to join the sun sign survey. That and I am having trouble typing. Maybe I'll quit trying to fix my typos. It's just a journal. Have you ever been driving up the coast in your sports car with two beautiful women and wondered why your life couldn't be more like the way you plan it out in your head? Maybe you should think about it over a Tom Collins and a chocolate souffle. I'm just an aging, overweight, ex-almost-was who wouldn'y know the brass ring he was reaching for if it smacked him in the face. Just be grateful for what you've got and get back to work. Idea for a novel. That which cannot be written. That which cannot be thought.

what a day.

Post 2

ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604

go on, be a devil, write it. Although I wonder, can Atheists be Devils? .....hmmmmmmm

what a day.

Post 3

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

I suppose what a devil is would depend on your frame of reference. In Christian terms I think the if you aren't with us your against us policy is still strongly in place though.

what a day.

Post 4

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

Sorry about the grammar in that last one, I'm getting tired.

what a day.

Post 5

ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604

So you wouldn't say God is good and the Devil is bad, because in the context of whether you write about whatever it is you are going to write about, the writing would be good - which I had said you should be a Devil about, and not writing would be bad - which I implied you could be God about (sort of), but of course you couldn't because you're an Atheist. Now this is getting tricky, better not try to work this one out till you've had a good night's sleep.

um - maybe it would be best to stick to the maxim:
Positive is good
Negative is bad

smiley - rainbow

what a day.

Post 6

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

You're just way to deep there for me. I guess the creation forces would be God, and so if I engage in the act of creating something I could be a godlet or godling or such. I like the concept.

what a day.

Post 7

Pond Wanderer

do you know what? They've scared my Ponderer off. Now I'm very sad.

what a day.

Post 8

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

You lost me there. What's a ponderer? Are they easily frightened? I don't get it, but I have the excuse of being an Ignorant American, and a particular nasty subset at that, a West Coast American. We are even out of touch with the rest of the country never mind the world. Something to do with the on shore breezes, or heavy sedatives in the water.

what a day.

Post 9

ChiKiSpirit -- A1008604

On shore breezes and heavy sedatives in the water? I could do with some on shore breezes, warm ones - but the heavy sedatives? Are they really necessary? A ponderer is someone who takes a while to think things through - I'm the ponderer, and wanderer looks after me when I get lost. (Well at least he/she thinks he/she does). I don't know whether he's a boy or a girl because he's an amphibian. Let's just say he's a he at the moment. He's even with me when I play my piano! What's a subset?
smiley - rainbow ChiKi

what a day.

Post 10

Ssubnel...took his ball and went home

A subset is a smaller group within a group. I think it's something mathematicians use a lot, but I can barely count. It's like when you have a box of candy, the mixed variety, you can divide them up into groups: chocolates, carmels, and mints. Those are subsets. Californians, of which I am a naturalized version having been here 15 years, are the most narcissitic and oblivious of all Americans. But it has a lot to do with geography and the influence of Hollywood. We think our president is Martin Sheen, because he is on a t.v. program where he plays the predident. It's just a very different mindset than the rest of the country was what I meant. smiley - biggrin

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