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Hey Kris, you about ??

Post 21


hi Piquant Kind-one, smiley - hugsmiley - dog bella gets big smiley - hug tooo

wet here too but whipped up during the afternon, nice and vigorous.

the trouble with having been messed with by clever techies is that everything that happens after that is sussy. i have re-installed the messenger but changed my id will send you new one by email.

we can use the messenger no probs, i am not a techie ? and you are not till you get back on it, so no blips smiley - tongueout

what are you revving up for tonight P.K. darlint??

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - hugsmiley - rose krissysmiley - wizard

Hey Kris, you about ??

Post 22

Number Six

But I haven't been on Messenger yet smiley - huh !!!

I'm going to have a quiet night for a change. Read the Sunday papers, eat smiley - flan etc.

Have sent you mail to yahoo addy smiley - winkeye

smiley - hugsmiley - rose

PK laters

Hey Kris, you about ??

Post 23


p.k. honey canine conaisseur smiley - cuddle

give me a quick ring tonight, i want to tell you something important

smiley - rose kris smiley - zen

Hey Kris, you about ??

Post 24

Number Six

Morning Krissy Micky-kins smiley - loveblushsmiley - winkeye

Well, it is a beautiful day, and I may have to venture out in search of food smiley - hotdog

Any progress with the new wheels ? smiley - zoom

Will be around to gambol about for a little while, so drop in if you're online.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - dogsmiley - rose

Hey Kris, you about ??

Post 25


hi pillowy, periphrastic p.k. smiley - loveblush. smiley - cuddlesmiley - dog bella (show her the picture there she will understand) !! smiley - tickle

yes i am around taking a lunch break here. want someone to boot me out the door to go buy a car. smiley - ermsmiley - wah want to apply your boot to my bootie !! smiley - silly

will around a bit disguised as a picaresque picaroon (been raiding the dictionary) smiley - tongueout

smiley - love kris smiley - rose

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