This is the Message Centre for kri stickle mass

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 1


Hi smiley - smiley

Is is just my pc or are the 5 live boards not working properly? I've also had to re-register as one of the sprogs went on 606 live chat last night and I don't know what happened, but when I tried to post today it came up as "Island Blue", so I logged out, logged back in and it wasn't accepted.

I think I'm having "cookie" probs - tried to get on Hotmail and it said "cookies not enabled". Lord knows what these bratlings have been up to!

Could you check the 5 Live boards? When I go to them, they show posts from 2 days ago and nothing since.

Thanks Kris, am dashing out now doing my chauffering duties...

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 2


Have got real probs. Have posted on 5 Live board and it remained only for a minute. I tried out other boards, and the same thing. I think it must be something to do with "cookies" and unless I can get this sorted, I won't be able to post on any of the BBC boards except this one. I HATE it when I can't sort things out! Am not especially techy in the first place. I think of the kids must have done something inadvertently y'day.

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 3


I think I've solved it by switching the PC off at the modem and turning it on again....

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 4

kri stickle mass

sarnia, sorry i have been working,

2 very important questions

first, did you get that security program?

2. everytime you use the net you get cookies into your pc unless you have a firewall (see 1) to clear these cookies go onto 'my computer', click up c drive. click on windows in the list, click on temporary in the next list and then click on cookies in the next list that pops up. delete everything in there. do at least once a week.

most important get a firewall and security program. there are free downloads on the net.

right i will go looking for you now - oi, come here sarnia smiley - cuddlesmiley - zen

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 5


Thanks Mich,

Have probs again. When looked at 5 live boards I could not see anything past the last time I looked (earlier this pm).

I've done what you suggested and found the cookie file but couldn't see how to delete anything. Clicked on a few of them (there were loads) but I didn't see any option to delete.

Think shall chuck the effing PC out of the window!

Catch you tomorrow, hopefully! smiley - bluebutterfly

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 6

Number Six

Hi Sarnia smiley - cheers

Sorry for butting in. Was looking for Kris earlier, and saw your distress smiley - sadface.

If you're getting "cookies disabled" type messages, then your kids may have been messing with the settings. You can enable them by clicking on START (on desktop) then SETTINGS then CONTROL PANEL then INTERNET OPTIONS then PRIVACY. Set the slider thing to "medium", then re-start puter. To clear cookies from the past, do the same up to Internet Options, but stay on GENERAL, and you should see an option to "delete cookies". Voila !!! smiley - biggrin

I may be teaching my granny to suck eggs here, and if so I apologise, but regarding your prob with the board, if you're seeing an "old" screen, you can prolly fix it by hitting the "refresh" icon on the top taskbar. This should also bring up any messages you have left recently.

Let me know if any of this works, or not

be seeing you smiley - winkeye

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 7

kri stickle mass

hi Perky Komputer-eggsbert smiley - loveblush

thanks for that, can we come and ask you stuff everytime we get suck clever grandson??? smiley - tongueout

(i was away being a "security guard" lol again last night p.k.smiley - handcuffssmiley - dog

talk soon smiley - rose kris

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 8


Hi PK,

Thanks for that. The thing was already set to MEDIUM and on the GENERAL thing I do not have an option to delete cookies. Was just on the phone to a techy friend who was talking me through and suggested the same thing (about deleting cookies).

There's something wrong with my PC, it's all clogged up and I'm going to have to take it in to be fixed smiley - sadface.

Many thanks for your help; I know absolutely b....r all about puters!


smiley - cheers

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 9


Hi PK (again) and Hi Kris,

Just tried to get onto the 5 Live Boards and I can't. It appears as if they're too busy (or maybe it's just my PC).

Am getting so frustrated and fed up! HATE it when can't fix things!

PK, may I ask you something else? Whenever I switch the PC on, something called Kazaz starts up, then my ISP starts up (automatically). I can't find where to stop this Kazaz thing starting up, and where to stop my ISP automatically starting up.

I've looked at various things on the Start menu, but am terrified of doing something wrong.

Thanks, you're an smiley - angelsmiley - smiley

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 10

kri stickle mass

sarnia - i had exactly the same problem. your kids have loaded a program called kazaa onto your computer. it took me all day to work out how to get rid of it. you need someone to talk you through it.

this is the problem, the system is very difficult to uninstall so you need to delete it from everywhere you can and then go back and take out whatever is left because there is some kind of blip in it.

tell whoever is helping you that the first thing you need to do is go to the icon in the taskbar and close it from there because it is loading automatically when you start up and you cant uninstall without first shutting programme down. that first part is vital. do not try to uninstall first or you will go through a long nowhere route back to square one.

ok, now call yo fren honey smiley - tongueout

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 11


Hi Kris,

Phoned my techy friend and I got of KaZa in 20 seconds flat! It was that that was launching my ISP, so two probs solved.

I can post on here alright, but am having mega probs with the 5 Live Boards. Like CG and Loulou, I'm asked to log in each time I go on there (even though I haven't logged out).

Kris!!! It's Sarnia

Post 12


Hi Kris,

Phoned my techy friend and I got rid of KaZa in 20 seconds flat! It was that that was launching my ISP, so two probs solved.

I can post on here alright, but am having mega probs with the 5 Live Boards. Like CG and Loulou, I'm asked to log in each time I go on there (even though I haven't logged out).

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