This is the Message Centre for Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 41

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I'd love to come smiley - winkeye - will there be somewhere to park my bike? smiley - biggrin

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 42


Then you will come. I can assure you of that! smiley - winkeye
And yes, there is plenty of room to park.

smiley - bat
smiley - smoochxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 43

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Ah, Moongirl smiley - smiley
I look forward to entering!
smiley - smiley xxx smiley - smooch

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 44


And I look forward to receiving you! smiley - winkeye
Mmmmmmmmm... and I will be ready for you.

smiley - bat
smiley - cuddlexxxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 45

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Only about 2 weeks till I go back to Edinburgh for Christmas smiley - smiley I may visit your dungeon from time to time while while I'm there. Have you ever been to Scotland (did I already ask you that?) smiley - smiley
xxxx smiley - smooch

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 46


Have ah ever been tae Scotland? Ah wiz born in Scotland Riccardo, how else dae ye think ah ken that Edinburgh is ca'd Auld Reekie? I wis at a waddin' in Edinburgh no lang ago.
If ye hae a look at the messages frae Lightman an' the wans that ah sent tae him aboot malt whisky, ye'll get a wee hint aboot whaur ah come frae.

smiley - bat
smiley - cuddlexxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 47

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Ya beauty! So you're from Scotland smiley - smiley Are you still up there or have you moved to Englandshire like me?
xxx smiley - smooch

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 48


Ahh! Riccardo, that's a secret! smiley - biggrin
smiley - bat
smiley - cuddlexxxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 49

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

I see - a woman of mystery smiley - winkeye

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 50


Mmmmmmm... I like an allure of mystery Riccardo, don't you? smiley - smiley

smiley - bat
Luna (MoonGirl)
smiley - cuddlexxxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 51

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Yes, life is full of mysteries!
What do you think about me - really?

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 52


Riccardo, I think you are a very nice intelligent guy, and that you have a wonderful sense of humour.
I our exchanges, replying was a challenge! smiley - biggrin

smiley - bat
Luna (MoonGirl)
smiley - cuddlexxxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 53

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Thanks Moongirl smiley - smiley
Will you be coming to the London meet, on the 25th of Jan?

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 54


Unfortunately no, I couldn't possibly go. smiley - sadface

smiley - bat
smiley - cuddlexxxxxsmiley - smooch
smiley - blackcat Purrrrrrr...

Purring at Ricardo.

Post 55

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Oi! Oi! I'm back!
Not been here for years!! How are you Moongirl?

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