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Permissions Request - McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Post 1


The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., is preparing the following Work for publication:

Title: Foundations of Meaningful Educational Assessment, 1e Number of Pages: 512

Author: Diann Musial, Kay Burke, Gayla Nieminen, Jay Thomas Price: $55.00 Net

Estimated Publication Date: March, 2008 Binding: Adhesive - Soft

Print Run: 9,870 LOE

We request your permission to include the following material in this and all subsequent editions of the Work, as well as print and electronic versions of the Work, ancillary products, and derivative works in the English language, (in North America/throughout the world). Versions may be made by nonprofit organizations for use by the blind or physically handicapped persons.

Request for permission to use the following copyrighted material: A Beginner’s Guide to Mean, Median and Mode located at:

Please indicate agreement by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. In signing, you warrant that you are the sole owner of the rights granted and that your material does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of anyone. If you do not control these rights in their entirety, we would appreciate your letting us know to whom we should apply.


Nancy Null

Van Brien & Associates for McGraw-Hill Higher Education

1075 Flora Ln., Florissant, MO 63031

314-837-7348 phone/fax
email: [email protected]

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Permissions Request - McGraw-Hill Higher Education

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