A Conversation for Blade (The film with Wesley Snipes)
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Darreny-Warreny (32619) Started conversation May 24, 1999
I'm very conscious of the fact that this article will probably never be read by anyone. So, if you're reading this, *please* leave a comment in this forum. BTW, If you're into Lucid Dreaming, check out my User's Guide (go to it via my h2g2 home page).
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Cybernard Posted Jul 1, 1999
Ok I've read your post, and I'll problary be the only one ever to reply to it so please reply to this post if you read it....
Then it would be nice of you to get over to my page and post something so I know I'm not alone....
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Darreny-Warreny (32619) Posted Jul 7, 1999
Okay... I now know that someone, somewhere, has read my (Xtremely lame) article on the film Blade. But I still don't know what you thought of the film, or of my article...
NEway, I'm going over to your user page now, as requested.
Tarra, chuck...
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Cybernard Posted Jul 7, 1999
Thanks for the trip over to my page.
I saw Blade on a LAN-party a month ago or so.
Looked very cool.
That article on lucid dreaming seemed interesting...
I'll try it.
(BTW, what does it mean when I dream I'm standing
on a cliff, not sure whetever I'm dreaming or not, and
then take the chance and jump?)
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Darreny-Warreny (32619) Posted Jul 14, 1999
So, you're asleep, you're standing on a cliff, you're not sure if you're dreaming or not, and you take the chance to jump off. It sounds to me like a classic case of a Lucid Dreamer who doesn't know or understand what Lucid Dreaming is, but who wants to access his or her unconscious mind. If you've read my article, you should follow one of my techniques to try and achieve Lucidity. Then, you will be able to conjure up a character in your dream and ask >it< why you are jumping off the cliff. It sounds like some kind of insecurity, though. PLEASE, try this out, and whatever happens, leave a message in the forum for my Lucid Dreaming article (not this forum).
Bye Bye, then!
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