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Geek checking as ordered, Ma'am
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Oct 7, 2002
only I'm not a geek.
Hey, you must be a great mum... you have a great daughter! (um, probably not logical, but there you have it)
I've been trying to get my own mum on here for ages, maybe if I hold you up as an example of cool-mum-dom she'll take the plunge.
Anyway, have fun (and though it may embarass your daughter, feel free to visit the drool thread on my space and let us know who you letch at!! we won't tell her)
Geek checking as ordered, Ma'am
JudeKat Posted Oct 9, 2002
Well hello there
I checked out your drool thread and was very tempted to enter into the spirit of things - but my daughter keeps a very tight rein on me - doesn't let me out much.
Oh course I am only joking, she is a great lady.
Still very knew to this 'game' but feel sure I'll have a great time.
Geek checking as ordered, Ma'am
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 9, 2002
you're doing fine so far, ma'am.
Your daughter, btw, is now the proud posessor of the best chocolate cake recipe in the world.
heh heh heh!
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Geek checking as ordered, Ma'am
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