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Post 1


hiya darlin wonna chat how are ya im fine so what do u look like and whats ur asl plz


Post 2


well hiya hun..
well im 5,8 blue eyes,med build, lightbron hair with blonde highlites,i am a single mum and a part time barmaid, now for the shocker lol im 47, go on run lol...
so if u wanna answer back then plz tell me about yourself.


Post 3


hiya darlin yeah i wonna chat so hunnie i have short brown hair blue eyes 5,7 and slim i like older women xxx


Post 4


hiya again darlin have u got a email addy if so ill email ya mines [email protected] mesg me xxx


Post 5


hiya chris i just sent you an email so u got my addy now hunni..
hope to hear from you soon xxxx

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