A Conversation for Adolescent

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Post 1


Generaly too tall for the body in which they inhabit. Eat vast quantities of suger based foods. Say "BUT WHY NOT, JOHNNY'S MUM LETS ME!!!!!!! - I HATE YOU" when asked if they wouldnt mind not doing something which has been irritating you for the past 3 hours.

If you see one dont talk about anything 'modern' you will be wrong.
And remind them that they still live with thier perants and therfore cannot be as 'cool' as they think they are.


Post 2


Come second only to middle aged woman in the number of skin care products targeted at them.


Post 3


can we say insulting? i read this entry and felt it was very incomplete which is why i wrote my own entry_teenagers which is up for rejection. so we have problems that normal, so do adults and at times teenagers have to be the mature caretakers of their hippy parents.

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