A Conversation for Technical Feedback

Palmtop PCs

Post 1

Researcher 158414

Seeing as how I now own a palmtop PC and the appropriate way to veiw the guide would be in this format... has anyone figured out a way to download the whole guide into one? along with a way to update it by syncing it?

Palmtop PCs

Post 2

Adam C-R

We don't have a complete downloadable version of h2g2 available for palmtop PCs (of any kind) for the simple reason that it's too big smiley - smiley

However, we do have a version specifically designed for mobile devices at http://mobile.h2g2.com/ You didn't say what kind of palmtop you have, but Palms (via AvantGo), PocketPCs (via Pocket IE) and Psions (I assume via their own HTML browser) all have methods to download web pages when you sync and to view them offline. For each of these, you'll need to visit http://mobile.h2g2.com/html/ for the HTML version of the h2g2 On the Move service.

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