A Conversation for Technical Feedback


Post 1


When can i become an Angel.
I have been on this site for ages now and i still havent became an Angel, When my friend regestered she became an angel in a couple of weeks.
Why is this?


Post 2

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Yvonne do some more work on your page and then when you've done that go to the angels page and register to become and angle then they'll tell you whats what!



Post 3


The Angels are a group set up by the community themselves to welcome newcomers into h2g2 and to help them enjoy themselves. The Aces are slightly different, they have been recruited by community staff members at h2g2 to greet newcomers and to assist the community team. You can become either an Ace or an Angel or both, it's really up to you. smiley - smiley

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