A Conversation for Technical Feedback

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 1

Mu Beta

Just as I get home and want to be finding out what's been happening on hootoo?

Is it coincidence, or do you get regular heavy traffic at that time?


Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 2


You're home from work by 5pm?

What are you, part time or something?

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 3

Mu Beta

School day finishes at 3:15. smiley - tongueout

And I bet I work harder in the preceding 7 hours than you ever do. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout


Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 4

Jim Lynn

Define 'crash'.

None of the web servers have had to be restarted, as far as I can see, so what is the problem you've seen?

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 5

Mu Beta

OK, scrub 'crash', insert 'massively slow down'


Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 6

Jim Lynn

5pm is a bit of a peak time. Office workers in the UK slacking off, US people waking up. Thousands of teachers getting home for their h2g2 fix.

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 7

Mu Beta

...start of the BBC inter-office 'Doom' tournament...


Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 8

Jim Lynn

No, that's 6pm.

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 9

Jimi X

Isn't 5 pm there noon here in the eastern USA?

That'd be a double-whammy. Our network slows down around noon when everyone logs on to check their email, play online, etc. So if you've got millions of people in the eastern US going online at the end of the UK workday, that'd account for a lot of it...

- Jimi X
(who is never online over lunch or at the end of the work day - just the whole rest of the day! smiley - winkeye)

Why Do The Servers Always Crash at 5pm?

Post 10

Jim Lynn

Yes, and 9am on the pacific (I think). So we get the lunchtime crowd, and the people just in the office, hitting their homepage (which is obviously h2g2, what else should it be?)

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