A Conversation for Technical Feedback
the new format technical instructions please
Dizzy Gillespie from Crystal Lake Started conversation Jan 28, 2004
I started a proposed entry awhile back that is titled"Getting around in Chicago,Public Transportation" because of time constraints and a forgotten member name I couldn't get back to finishing for quite some time. Now it is in the Flea Market and I don't know how to retrieve it to finish it. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
the new format technical instructions please
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Jan 28, 2004
Now that you are under a different UID, I suppose the best thing to do is to post to the Flea Market thread for your Entry according to the details over at <./>RF4</.> - good luck!
the new format technical instructions please
Dizzy Gillespie from Crystal Lake Posted Jan 28, 2004
I went where you suggested and successfully copied the text to my personal journal. Thanx very much!
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the new format technical instructions please
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