A Conversation for Technical Feedback
h2g2 wireless
Patrick Barron Started conversation Dec 20, 2003
I found a link to wap.h2g2.com from my mobile phone, but when I clicked it, I got the "This page is no longer on a bbc server" message. Any clues on where h2g2 wireless went? Or is it still around and I'm just not finding the right link?
h2g2 wireless
manda1111 Posted Dec 20, 2003
H2G2 is no long mobile, I think it finish when BBC took over, but someone else will have more info on that tham me,
I think There is talk about getting it mobile again, but I would not hold my breath if I was you
h2g2 wireless
Jonny Posted Dec 21, 2003
Yes, I'm fairly sure it was when the BBC took over that WAP facilities were discontinued. I think the page used to be <./>OnTheMove</.>, which now has a few old discussions about bringing it back. There are also other discussions about it on other pages. It also features on the <./>Development-Features</.> page (right at the end !).
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h2g2 wireless
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