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The best a cappela sea shanty singing group in existence.

The Corsairs consist of six men who frequent ren fairs and pubs throughout the world! (alright mostly just in Texas but who's countin'?)

Some call them pirates, some call them privateers, some call them mere sailors (and get the snot beat out of'em), some call them a half dozen late twentieth century blokes who have never set foot on a boat and wouldn't know their starboard from their portsmain.

As far as sea shanty singers go though, these boys rock!

There's Captain Abelar Roach of the Six-of-One, Shanty Man Joshua Jenkins, Bosun Robert "Boats" Blackmoor, Quartermaster Will Teach, the late James Peregrine, and First Mate Captain Alexander Morgan who used to have his own ship but.. well, it's a long story.

If you can't get to the states to see them perform, they have two albums out, and below is a list of what you can hear from their album coupled with links (when I can find them) to the lyrics of said song so you can sing along when you buy their albums!

[The preceding is not a paid advertisement. I don't get any kickbacks. They're just a great singing group and I highly recommend them. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Douglas Adams, the Digital Village or h2g2 but they should. The Earth is Flat.]

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