Created | Updated Apr 18, 2002
How long time I have spent on this planet I do not know, but approximatly about 19years now. If I could only get of this planet....or atleast if I just got out of this country (Sweden) I'd be happy! Oh well, whilst I am here I will just have to make the best of the situation and gather some usefull information to make the readers of this guide avoid this planet named earth, especially a small part of it named "Sweden".The swedes are strange people. Just think about it...they are all named after a vegetable, that must say something about their intelligence. But the most sucky part of all is that you must have lived on this planet for atleast twenty years to purchase any alkohol! The reason why I survive is something called HB short for "Something strong to drink for people under 20". It is a homemade drink that sometimes can make you blind if you are lucky enough. Well what else can i say about the swedes....absolutely nothing.