Credit cards

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‘Never leave home without one’ is sound advice, so you’ll probably have ignored it.

However, at the point you wake up on a park bench thousands of miles from home or when you remember, as you struggle free of the hand-cuffs that are keeping you intimate with a very cold lamp-post, that you’re meant to be getting married in half an hour, you might wish that you hadn’t.

The fact that you don’t have a credit card says a lot about you. You’re independent, you place principle over practicality and, most importantly, you’ve been very careful about who you gave your name and address to.

Further, by avoiding becoming one of the millions of people who return home every day to find a mountain of application forms impeding entry to their property, you are also doing a great deal to save the planet.

And herein lies the hitchhikers’ dilemma. Useful as a credit card is, do you really want to take your slice of responsibility for the destruction of the planet you are setting out to explore? Actually though, for someone like you, a free-spirit, a h2g2 reader, it probably doesn’t matter – go ahead – apply. Just bear in mind the wise words that the Guide has for contributors. Nobody likes rejection. Well, mostly nobody.

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