A Conversation for Ouch!

Link to OUCH

Post 61

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

Horizontal, and how about a pink hat? Gee, Fenchurch, you're the grooviest! Froody as they come! The bee's knees! smiley - winkeye

Link to OUCH

Post 62

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Kat: Wow fishie queen? Well, I guess that's why the crown's on Little Fennyfish smiley - smiley

FroodSporker: So are you new to the Guide? It's really interesting, be sure you follow links, you find some really interesting stuff! smiley - smiley

Link to OUCH

Post 63

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Okay, and how many stripes do you want? hehe sorry, I just try to get it right the first time...

Link to OUCH

Post 64

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

There is truth in that I am new to the guide, but I am familiar in it's ways. The teachings of the Froody one have served me well. The guide is yet another medium through which to convey his teachings. I am happy.

Link to OUCH

Post 65

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

2 stripes. 2 is good - just like the gum commercials. Come on & double it. doublemint, double mint - FISH!

Link to OUCH

Post 66

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Yes, however I must warn you of some things: If you submit an entry, be prepared to wait for many a light-years before it is accepted/rejected. If you are from the U.S., be prepared to take a beating if you try and defend the country. If you're not, please don't beat up the colonials! smiley - bigeyes Other than that, all the people are nice, everything you see is interesting, you'll love it smiley - smiley

Link to OUCH

Post 67

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

I am Norteamericana, but my family is all Canooks & Irish. Should I look into joining or applying to the American Protection Breau?

Link to OUCH

Post 68

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Well.... I think you should wing it for a while and see if you fare, if you're ever in trouble we've got a group of Yanks who are happy to play patriot smiley - smiley Canooks are pretty safe, I think.... you're fish is done, you'll love him, he's with the others having a good time smiley - smiley If there's anything you'd like changed, just yell.

Link to OUCH

Post 69

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

Ooh, thanks 4 the help & the fish! How now do I go about accessing the little bugger? Do I need a net? Or is this big web sufficient means of capture & marine detainment?

Link to OUCH

Post 70

Fenchurch M. Mercury

You mean to put it on your page? Well, I have it on my own web space, so you can just access it from there. H2G2 doesn't let you put anything on thier server, so you have to upload anything you want to put on your page needs to be on another space. If you need to borrow any, I've got plenty. The URL is (a long one)... ::big breath:: http://www.geocities.com/soho/coffeehouse/2495/h2g2/FS_FISH.gif ::exhale::. To put it on a page, or any image, for that matter, first you find out it's url (the thing I just gave you), and put it into this tag: and on a page, not in the forums though, a picture should show. smiley - smiley

Link to OUCH

Post 71

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

Sooo... Say I were to put it on my webpage. Would I enter in the thing then the URL or what? I am very much confused... Well, sorta much confused anyways. Sheesh...Html!

Link to OUCH

Post 72

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Aww I'm sorry I took so long...well I'll try and make it easier...

copy this:

Now go to your home page, click on "edit page" in the goo on the side, and paste it in the box that shows up...

that should do it, tell me how it goes

Link to OUCH

Post 73


not only is fenchurch kind and generous with her fish but she is also an educator in the ways of html!, where oh where do your powers end? i love it! smiley - smiley

Link to OUCH

Post 74


I think this is as good an argument as there is for the introduction of a chat site. let's try and keep this pure - no-one is to start off a branching thread, right?
Motile fish is being made at the moment. I'll have to see if I can get to a scanner later.

Link to OUCH

Post 75


HI my name is Chewbacca,

I was just taking a little stroll in this wonderful guide and came across this link to OUCH. Sorry I couldn't resist it, I just had to take a little look. Please, please, please could I have just a little fishy for my page....PLEASE!!!

Link to OUCH

Post 76

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Of course!!! What colour, and do you want anything on him/her/it? There are examples on my page of what I can do so far... smiley - smiley Nice to meet you Chewbacca.

Link to OUCH

Post 77

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Well, there can be small tangled threads like this one, right? smiley - smiley Anyway, I think if I have time later on I'll try to throw together an HTML or java chat and stick it on my home page and whoever else wants it, just because I think that would be cool. What do people think? Now the editors really are going to kill me, I think smiley - bigeyes

Link to OUCH

Post 78


Hey! What happened? I guess this is what I get for taking a long weekend! So, this forum was on the front page for a while? Cool. I'd threaten to take away all your fish, but Fenchurch seems to make that a shallow threat. I'm happy that Monshari has the OUCH link working. Good Job.

Now I need to figure out what happened to the 'No Fish' pic.

Feeling so out of it all,

Link to OUCH

Post 79


Welcome back RSBohn. You've been taking a rest from this place? it can take it out of you....smiley - winkeye

Link to OUCH

Post 80

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Oh, I'm sorry, OUCHman...would you like a fish? It'll make you feel better...I promise. smiley - sadface

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