A Stargate Quiz - Season 2 Solution

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Season 2

How well do you know the tv series Stargate? Here are the answers to the Season 2 questions

  1. Q How does Daniel escape from Apophis' ship before it explodes?

    A He uses the Stargate aboard the ship


  2. Q What is the name of the symbiote that enters Sam Carter?

    A Jolinar


  3. Q In The Gamekeeper name the actor who plays the Gamekeeper and name any one of the other Character's he has played on TV?

    A Dwight Shultz and, among his most famous roles, he played Howling Mad Murdoch in The A Team and Lt Reg Barclay in Star Trek


  4. Q Who is the System Lord who feels the full force of Thor's Chariot?

    A Herur'ur


  5. Q What is the name of Selmak's dying host?

    A Saroosh


  6. Q Thor tells Jack that Human's are on their way to becoming what number race in a league of allies against the Goa'uld?

    A Fifth


  7. Q The Pentagon's liason to the SGC makes his first appearance in Season 2. What is his name?

    A Major Davis


  8. Q How many languages can Daniel speak?

    A 24


  9. Q In 1969 Michael and Jenny are 'Going to a concert in upstate New York'. The name is never mentioned but what are they refering to?

    A Woodstock


  10. Q Again in 1969 Michael and Jenny are crossing the border to avoid the war. Who does Teal'c think the US are at war with?

    A Canada


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