Debut (debs) balls

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Formally a traditional 'coming out' for young girls (around 16-18 years old) in the last twocenturies, the deb involves the parents
of the girl making her debut to shell out great amounts of money and throw a big ball where the girl comes down the stairs and
does a few dances and curtsies, presenting herself to the community and the mayor and maybe even royalty. However, debs these
days involve the parents of the (16-17 year old) deb shelling out great amounts of money for the dress, hair, makeup, photography, dancing lessons,
rehearsals, food, and travell for the big night and money for the after-party to which only the debs and their friends are allowed to go
to and they all get absolutely sozzled! Of course the parents do not really see the point of this as the girl has already gone to parties but it, as Robin Hood
from 'Men In Tights' said "you don't understand. It's the PRINCIPLE of the thing".
All debs, one and all come and join the wonderful Ball!

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