I, Claudius - the TV Series

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I, Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus This-that-and-the-other (for I shall not trouble you with titles) who was once, and not so long ago either, known to my friends and relatives and associates as 'Claudius the Idiot', or 'That Claudius', or 'Claudius the Stammerer', or 'Clau-Clau-Claudius', or at best as 'Poor Uncle Claudius', am now about to write this strange history of my life...

Broadcast in 1976 on (channel) this drama based upon Robert Graves’ books I, Claudius and Claudius the God was the story of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Claudius1 as told by Claudius himself.

The Story

The Cast

Claudius - Derek Jacobi

Augustus - Brian Blessed

Livia - Sian Philips

Tiberius - George Baker

Caligula - John Hurt

1With a cameo by a young Nero, played by a pre-pantomime Christopher Biggins.

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